Welcome to the website of Upland Christian Church. We are a congregation of the Disciples of Christ denomination. We preach the Gospel and we are a Bible-based church. Having said that we are a Bible-based church, let me add that we take the Bible seriously, but not necessarily literally. The inspired Word of God is a magnificent collection of what our spiritual forbears thought, believed, and experienced. As a minister, I feel I am called to deliver a Bible-based sermon every Sunday, and I do! I have to say that I love the Bible; I have even taught Old and New Testament before in an academic setting. As I lead our congregation, I feel compelled to preach from the Word what I believe God is telling us today, this year, this century. And one promise I will make: you will never be bored with my sermons! You might not always agree, and that's fine - that's a great Disciples of Christ tradition! But you will not be bored, and you may even be challenged to think differently. And one more promise: you will not be insulted intellectually by what you hear from the pulpit.

Stop by for a Sunday service sometime. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m., and we're usually finished by 11:30 a.m. We are a friendly bunch of about 50 members, and each one of us, including the pastor (!), is on his/her own spiritual journey. Are you a believer looking for a church? Check us out! Are you a doubter wanting to strengthen your faith? You are not alone. Maybe we are exactly what you are looking for. Come and see!

The Rev. C. L. "Skip" Lindeman, Minister